Monday, January 4, 2016

Pet Sitting!

Sometimes it seems as if we "crazy animal people" all know each other. Many of mine and Kerri's friends have odd pets or animal related jobs. And guess what- sometimes these people need a pet sitter!

The week before Christmas break 2015, I was charged with the care of my friends' pot belly pig and macaw. And odd couple, sure. But no shortage of cuteness or entertainment.

Hamilton is a 4 year old indoor piggy. He made sure he took advantage of his inexperienced caretakers. While he wakes up his owners at 7AM for breakfast, he took at step further by waking me up at 5AM! Once he has eaten breakfast, he crawls in bed (yes, the human bed) snuggles right up to me and rests his head on my feet.

When I get out of bed, I make sure he has games to play. For a pig, this means "rooting". A happy piggy uses his nose to find hidden treasures.

The macaw, Echo was not an early riser. He gave me friendly chirps when I fed him breakfast and liked to play a few games. Games meaning shredding a roll of toilet paper, playing with the pig and crunching walnut right on me as I sweep up his previous messes. What a whipper-snapper!

As you may expect, he does chat. He likes to mimic Hamilton's oinking/grunting. He says "step up" when he wants to be picked up. Apparently I say "what?" a lot because he ended up singing "what?" in a high pitch when I cleaned his cage or played with him.

All in all, it was a fun fun week and can't wait to do it again.

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