Friday, April 15, 2016

The Garden Project 2.0

It's that season-finally! Gardening is a new, fun and perpetual learning experience.
With the help of a very good friend, I got our seeds started indoors a little early. "Good" meaning both "close" and "a super experienced gardener".
On 3/15/16 we planted kale, mustard, lettuce, collards and marigolds. I used organic potting soil, organic bumper crop and a pencil to put the seeds in. I sprinkled a random amount in each little hole, made with a pencil.

This is my first time growing from seed. Last year, I used well started plants grown from that very same good friend.
So imagine my excitement one week later when I saw my very first home-grown seedlings! The seed-starter contraption came with a clear plastic top to keep the seeds warm while I was anxiously waiting.

Then it was time to thin out the seedlings. For a novice like me, it means desperately detangling delicate roots, killing half of them and planting the rest in a bigger container.  And my cat watched with that judging gaze!

Very helpful Sources:

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