Monday, April 4, 2016

We Love All Animals - Part Two

Kerri and I love and appreciate all animals. Our mission is to promote respect for animals as well as an appreciate for traditional art practices.

But what you may not know is every way we accomplish our mission. The Drawing Zoo donates a portion of its profits to support non-profits with similar missions. Every year we bring our interns to visit these animal welfare organizations. One of these organizations is Poplar Spring Animals Sanctuary. This team of people volunteer, work and live on a 400 acre farm dedicated to caring for exploited farmed animals and local wildlife. They promote compassion for the under appreciated and educate visitors about Maryland's local wildlife and eco-system.

With every visit to the sanctuary, we learn something new. For example, the way that the care takers on the sanctuary protect their hen house from natural predators (foxes and raccoons) is to scatter the hen's eggs around the perimeter of the property. The predators find it so easy to collect the eggs, that they aren't motivated to intrude the hen house. How clever! 

Because this farm is a sanctuary, and many of the animals have already been used in farms or factory farms,  Poplar Spring Animals Sanctuary does not make or sell products derived from their animals. It is relaxing and refreshing to appreciate these animals for their personalities and beauty rather than what they can do for us.

See more about Poplar Spring in the News!

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